All mediums, might occasionally get things wrong. Often this happens when a clear connection can’t be established – similar to a weak radio signal. Luckily, this happens rarely.
The information I receive is through the mind and the soul connection with ears and eyes. I do not make things up, I genuinely connect. If you do not want to believe for whatever reason, or you want to challenge me, then a reading might not be right for you.
Genuinely people feel something emotionally once I am connected, and I can’t make that up!
It is hard to explain, but you can shift and change energy with attitude. Pretty much the same way, you can feel when a fight happened in a room and it’s still in the “atmosphere”.
If you come with the attitude, “I will prove her wrong”, or “I will test to see if she really can do this”; I will most likely have trouble connecting with your loved ones and the signal will be weak.
I have personally experienced it, and was very annoyed at myself, for blocking the medium. She really tried very hard and got some things, but if I would have been more “open”, she would have gotten so much more!
My advice to you, if you want to test me, keep your money. You do not need to believe or prove me anything.
However, if you make an appointment, please be “open minded” so that spirit can operate.